
It's 2007...

...and I really hope to post more on here.

What to expect in the months to come:

cataloging of 2006 graphics
monthly - perhaps weekly? - posts of graphics
tutorials? maybe? we'll see

in other news, i plan to start the graphic design program at PCC Sylvania this fall. i'm hoping that this, in conjunction with my masters, will help outfit me for the kind of career i would be pleased to sustain over the next, oh, sixty or so years.

because let's face it - ain't no way i'll be retired before i'm 85. well. i mean, one can hope, but i find it best to prepare for the worst case scenario. ;)

more to come...


Trophy Case


Resource List

Most of my resources come from LiveJournal; eventually, this list will link to the user. In the meantime, if you have a question about a resource used, feel free to ask and I'll direct you in the right direction!

Brushes, textures and patterns:

_cinjudes_, alapsuscalami, all_of_icons, anais_dirge, barstr7, chopstickicons, damnicons, desired_icons, discordandnight, elli03, extremefangirl, framedinblood, fraoch_icons, fukikomu, grafikitty, gravityeyecons, iconographer, iconpaloooza, iiokua, ivypoison, jougen_no_tsuki, jubilli, killabarbie, latexandleather, letsboogie_, lookslikerain, lostluck_icons, luthien_black, meleada, miserlovesme88, missymw88icons, omg_pretty, pepsi_icons, ravenlullaby, rxyangl, setine_kitsune, silverqe, so_out_of_ideas, tcg1026, tearing_icon_s, toasted_space, tre-xture, tsukicon, tuulia_, walky_talky, wonderland__


general: Cap_It, Corbis, Google, Getty Images, Various Challenge groups

specific: blanket_icons, clewless, edele, milliejupiter, peacefully, pinkpearl885, snuddles, _jems_




first post

this is the graphic journal for http://dana-pants.livejournal.com. more to come!